Beaver Scouts are the youngest section of the Scouting family and is open to all people aged 6 - 8 years old.
Beavers get the chance to make things, go outdoors, sing, play games, visit local places, investigate nature, listen to stories, learn new skills and make new friends. There may even be a chance of a Beaver sleepover in an exciting location.
Beavers have a Promise and Motto, but there is not a Beaver Scout Law. There is a number of badges and awards Beavers can achieve.
If your child is interested in joining Beavers or you have any other queries then please contact us - we'd love to hear from you.
Please note we meet at Fremington Village Hall every Tuesday, 5:00 - 6:15pm
Beaver & Cub Leader - Gemma Johnson
Email -
Telephone - 07528 767113
Beavers & Cubs tree planting in Low Row
Beavers and Cubs learning about firefighting - October 2021
Beavers logo
Beavers & Cubs tree planting in Low Row