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Cub Scouts are part of the second section in the Scouting family and is for anyone aged 8 - 10 1/2 years old. Cubs were originally called Wolf Cubs and this section was started over 100 years ago. 


Being in Cub Scouts presents every young person with new challenges. Cubs get the chance to do fun activities such as swimming, art, music, exploring, computing, collecting and trips out. It is packed with fun and adventure. There is is also a chance to go on fun camping trips.


Cubs have a Promise, Law and a Motto. Each Cub Scout is encouraged to work towards gaining some of the challenge and activity badges that are available.


If your child is interested in joining Cubs or you have any other queries then please contact us - we'd love to hear from you.

Please note we meet at Fremington Village Hall every Tuesday, 5:00 - 6:15pm


Beaver & Cub Leader - Gemma Johnson

Email -

Telephone - 07528 767113

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